Budget Information

Glenbard Wastewater Financial Information

The Authority has adopted a calendar year budget to coincide with a January 1st to December 31st budget year which is consistent with the lead agency, the Village of Glen Ellyn. Most of the revenues for the Authority operations are derived through monthly payments from the two villages. Additional revenue is realized from connection fees collected on new structures built into the service area, landfill Leachate treatment, cellular tower land lease agreements, and interest income.

There are two major funds: Operations and Maintenance (Fund 270) and the Capital (Fund 40):

Allocation of Operation and Maintenance expenses for the Authority are split between the Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard according to wastewater flows contributed by each village based on the previous five year average.

Allocation of Capital Improvement expenses for the Authority are split between the Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard according to a mechanism that uses a fixed cost split of 50% of the annual capital contributions funded by each member, the remaining 50% shall be split based upon the average of the previous five year total area flow…see formula below

The Members’ annual contribution rate for the Capital Equipment Replacement
Fund Split shall be based upon:

(Fiscal Year Capital Expenses x .25) = fixed contribution
(Fiscal Year Capital Expenses x .50) x (LOMBARD’s average percent of the total
area flow for the previous five (5) years) = variable contribution

(Fiscal Year Capital Expenses x .25) = fixed contribution
(Fiscal Year Capital Expenses x .50) x (GLEN ELLYN’s average percent of the
total area flow for the previous five (5) years) = variable contribution

Sixteen remote flow meters are located at key points in the Authority’s system to monitor flows from the respective villages for billing purposes. Flow meters are also utilized to identify flows associated with non-member entities such as DuPage County (located to the north side of the Authority’s planning area), and Illinois American Water (located to the south side of the Authority’s planning area).

Annual Budgets
Calendar Year Budget 2024Download
Calendar Year Budget 2023Download
Calendar Year Budget 2022Download
Calendar Year Budget 2021Download
Calendar Year Budget 2020Download
Calendar Year Budget 2019Download
Calendar Year Budget 2018Download
Calendar Year Budget 2017Download
Calendar Year Budget 2016Download
Calendar Year Budget 2015Download
Stub Year Budget 2014Download
Fiscal Year Budget 2014Download
Fiscal Year Budget 2013Download
Intergovernmental Agreement
IGA GWA-Lombard-VGE 04-24-2014Download
Independent Audits
Annual Financial Report 2022Download
Annual Financial Report 2021Download
Annual Financial Report 2020Download
Annual Financial Report 2019Download
Annual Financial Report 2018Download
Annual Financial Report 2017Download
Annual Financial Report 2016Download
Employee Compensation

td>Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2022td>Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2021

Public Act 097-0609Download
Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2024Download
Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2023Download
Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2022Download
Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2021Download
Employee Compensation Calendar Year 2020Download

Contact Information

Glenbard Wastewater Authority
945 Bemis Rd
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Map It                Weather

Phone: (630) 790.1901
Fax: (630) 858.8119

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
7:00a.m. – 3:30p.m

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